
Should You Avoid All Alcohol? Here’s What The Experts Think

Numerous studies have come out in support of moderate alcohol consumption because of its potential health benefits only to be countered by similar studies arguing that it’s actually more harmful than beneficial. But there’s certainly no harm in having a couple of drinks, Claire says, if you also live a healthy lifestyle. But will alcohol ever improve your life expectancy, cut the risks of developing heart disease substantially? Even the so-called ‘good’ properties in alcohol are so little in the final product that they could never win out against the negative effects of the ethanol. Even light alcohol consumption — up to one drink per day — is linked to a 20% increased risk of mouth and throat cancer . For a pregnant woman and her unborn child, a recovering alcoholic, a person with liver disease, and people taking one or more medications that interact with alcohol, moderate drinking offers little benefit and substantial risks. In the Nurses’ Health Study, the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, and other studies, gallstones and type 2 diabetes were less likely to occur in moderate drinkers than in non-drinkers.

is alcohol good for you

I never tell my clinical clients that they should try moderate drinking. What I tell clients who wish to attempt such a goal is that it can be done—and to pay close attention to whether they are in fact achieving this goal. Noting that even drinking at non-pathological levels above recommended moderate limits gives you a better chance of a longer life than abstaining draws louder protests still. Also, she says, as red wine can provide an amount of resveratrol in the diet. This is especially useful if the person is not eating other sources of the compound, like grapes and berries. But once again, the benefits of the compound in red wine have to be balanced out. Using this information, the researchers were able to estimate how much alcohol a person could drink before taking on excess risk to their health compared with someone who did not drink any alcohol.

Alcohol: Good Or Bad For You?

Red wine is good for you because it contains powerful antioxidants. However, some kombucha makers are now producing hard kombucha, which has an alcohol content similar to beer or hard seltzer. Regular kombucha has some health benefits, including reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and aiding in digestion. “We have to clarify that alcohol is, indeed, a poison. So we’re not trying to say alcohol itself is healthy,” says Megan Kober, a registered dietitian with Metabolism Makeovers. “But research has shown that having a drink or two a day can actually have some protective heart health benefits and in my opinion, it’s because it helps us relax.” That number is equivalent to 2.2% of all female deaths and 6.8% of all male deaths that year, according to the study. For years, public health officials have said that, while no one should pick up drinking in search of better health, moderate drinking probably won’t hurt anyone who already imbibes, and may even confer some benefits.

People can develop pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas, from alcohol abuse. Abusing alcohol causes bacteria to grow in your gut, which can eventually migrate through the intestinal wall and into the liver, leading to liver damage. If you’re diabetic or pre-diabetic, you should definitely avoid sugary mixers .

is alcohol good for you

In terms of other alcohol, research shows that beer may also have some health benefits. This lack of thiamine from heavy drinking can also lead to Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, a degenerative brain disorder that damages cognitive function, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. “The flavonoids and antioxidants in wine can be beneficial for the heart and blood vessels, as well as for people with type 2 diabetes. People with diabetes can produce a lot of free radicals because of poor sugar metabolism,” Kessler says. Remember, the benefits don’t outweigh the disadvantages of drinking alcohol — so, again, don’t start drinking if you haven’t been. Although a cocktail, beer or a glass of wine can be both relaxing and good for the heart, it might also play a role in cancer development, liver and heart damage and depression.

Psychosocial Consequences And Cognitive Effects

If you enjoy alcohol and don’t binge, there is no compelling reason to avoid it. Just keep in mind that your cancer risk may increase — regardless of how much you are drinking. Drinking small amounts — especially of red wine — is linked to various health benefits. Many different subtypes of alcohol dependence exist, characterized by alcohol cravings, inability to abstain or loss of self-control when drinking .

  • Alcoholism doesn’t follow the simple rules of inheritance set out by Gregor Mendel.
  • Jepson RG, Fowkes FG, Donnan PT, Housley E. Alcohol intake as a risk factor for peripheral arterial disease in the general population in the Edinburgh Artery Study.
  • This is due to its positive effects on inflammation, oxidative stress, and cell death.
  • If you have questions about whether it is safe for you to drink, talk with your health care provider.
  • Each delivers about 12 to 14 grams of alcohol on average, but there is a wider range now that microbrews and wine are being produced with higher alcohol content.
  • In heavy drinkers, binge drinking may cause your liver to become inflamed.

Over the years there have been many different reports in the media about the health benefits of alcoholic wine. Some have been in favour of alcoholic wine, whilst others have warned about its negative impact. However, a moderate intake of red wine has links with good liver health in some contexts. According to a 2018 report, researchers have found an increased risk of dementia in people who abstained from drinking wine. The authors stated that these results mean moderate alcohol consumption might be safe for people with prostate cancer. A 2019 study reported that males who drank alcohol had a slightly lower risk of lethal prostate cancer and that red wine had links with a lower risk of progression to lethal disease. Red wine contains powerful antioxidants, and many sources claim that drinking it has health benefits.

Quantifying the level of disability and morbidity related to alcohol can be difficult, in large part because few standardized measures exist. If you drink every day, or almost every day, you might notice that you catch colds, flu or other illnesses more frequently than people who don’t drink. This is because alcohol can weaken the immune system and make the body more susceptible to infections. It can cause the heart to become weak and have an irregular beat pattern . It also puts people at higher risk for developing high blood pressure. Drinking gives your body work to do that keeps it from other processes.

Can Alcohol Benefit Your Health?

She enjoys interviewing medical experts and researchers about their work and is passionate about communicating accurate and relevant health information to the public. Here’s a rundown of nine boozy bevs that are lower in sugar and calories.

  • “The oxidative metabolism of alcohol generates molecules that inhibit fat oxidation in the liver and, subsequently, can lead to a condition known as fatty liver,” says Dr. Menon.
  • There are several possible reasons for the beneficial effects of drinking moderately.
  • There are advantages and disadvantages of drinking wine — after all, sipping it in moderation may contribute to heart health.
  • Moderate drinking is defined as one standard drink per day for women and two for men, while heavy drinking is defined as more than three drinks per day for women and four for men .
  • A society best handles its available intoxicants by regarding them calmly and rationally, and by understanding that people have the capacity to consume them in sensible, even life-enhancing ways.

Women who drank this amount of alcohol but did not have a family history of breast cancer and ate at least 400 micrograms of folate daily did not have an increased breast cancer risk. Some research has concluded that moderate drinking confers benefits to heart health; on the other hand, some metabolites of alcohol are known carcinogens and alcohol consumption increases cancer risk. Cerebrovascular disease, in which arteries in the brain are blocked or narrowed, can lead to a sudden, severe disruption of blood supply to the brain, called a stroke. Ischemic stroke, which is by far the predominant type of stroke, results from a blockage of a blood vessel; hemorrhagic stroke is due to rupture of a blood vessel. Alcohol-related hypertension, or high blood pressure, may increase the risk of both forms of stroke. Yet, in people with normal blood pressure, the risk of ischemic stroke may be decreased due to the apparent ability of alcohol to lessen damage to blood vessels due to lipid deposits and to reduce blood clotting.

Best Types Of Alcohol For Weight Loss

Beer and wine have natural antioxidants called phenols, which help protect against heart disease and lower the risk of hypertension. Just stick to moderate consumption—keg stands will not translate into even healthier hearts. Alcohol doesn’t make a lot of “Top 10” lists for being one of the healthiest things to put in our bodies. But alcohol in all of its common forms—beer, wine, liquor—actually has some unexpected health benefits like strong hearts, sharper brains, and uninhibited creativity. Time magazine published an article titled “Why Do Heavy Drinkers Outlive Nondrinkers?

  • However, in many studies comparing lower levels of alcohol use with abstention, findings are mixed.
  • Alcohol consumption has consequences for the health and well-being of those who drink and, by extension, the lives of those around them.
  • Norton RN, Morgan MY. The role of alcohol in mortality and morbidity from inter-personal violence.
  • Drinking 15 grams of alcohol per day was also linked to potentially improving insulin sensitivity, which can help prevent diabetes.

Including these individuals in the general non-drinking population may have skewed research results to make teetotalers as a whole group look unhealthier than they actually are, some studies have suggested. The study reports both men and women can potentially put themselves at greater risk of heart issues depending on their alcohol habits. Small risk increases were noted while shifting from zero to seven drinks per week. Meanwhile, much higher risk increases were seen while progressing from seven to 14 drinks per week, and even higher risk profiles among both genders were recorded when consuming 21 or more drinks on a weekly basis. Similar to prior relevant studies, the research team initially noticed that moderate drinkers tend to show lower rates of heart disease. People who avoided drinking altogether were more likely to develop heart disease, but heavy drinkers were the most at-risk group by a wide margin.

Does Excessive Drinking Contribute To Heart Disease?

Compared to non-drinkers, people who had one alcoholic beverage per day had a 0.5% higher risk of developing one of 23 alcohol-related health problems, including cancer, road injuries and tuberculosis, in a given year, the study says. At that level, the absolute increase is small, equaling only four additional deaths per 100,000 people per year, according to the study. But those who had two drinks per day had a risk 7% higher than non-drinkers. If you are thin, physically active, don’t smoke, eat a healthy diet, and have no family history of heart disease, drinking alcohol won’t add much to decreasing your risk of cardiovascular disease. Researchers found a strong association among three factors—genetics, folate intake, and alcohol—in a cohort from the Nurses’ Health Study II of 2866 young women with an average age of 36 who were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. Those with a family history of breast cancer who drank 10 grams or more of alcoholic beverages daily and ate less than 400 micrograms of folate daily almost doubled their risk (1.8 times) of developing the cancer.

Red wine contains antioxidants, which can protect your cells from damage, and polyphenols, which can promote heart health. White wine and rose contain those too, just in smaller quantities. When it comes to a healthier alcohol, red wine is top of the list. Alcohol isn’t a healthy choice but you can pick healthier options like red wine or hard kombucha instead.

Loose use of the terms “moderate” and “a drink” has fueled some of the ongoing debate about alcohol’s impact on health. Throughout the is alcohol good for you 10,000 or so years that humans have been drinking fermented beverages, they’ve also been arguing about their merits and demerits.

Surprising Ways Alcohol Affects Your Health

Heavy drinking can damage the liver and heart, harm an unborn child, increase the chances of developing breast and some other cancers, contribute to depression and violence, and interfere with relationships. More than 18,000 people over the age of 70 in the United States and Australia took part in the research. It is the first study to investigate the heart health implications of drinking alcohol. Excessive drinking and binge drinking can lead to stroke, per the American Heart Association.

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The researchers found the smallest effect of alcohol in the Middle Eastern crescent, which is not surprising given the region’s high proportion of abstinent Islamic populations . More than one-half of American adults have a close family member who has or has had alcoholism . Approximately 14 million Americans—7.4 percent of the population—meet the diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse or alcoholism (Grant et al. 1994). If you drink heavily, see your doctor immediately if you notice a yellow tinge to your skin, feel pain in the upper right portion of your abdomen or experience unexplained weight loss. Drinking too much puts you at risk for some cancers, such as cancer of the mouth, esophagus, throat, liver and breast.

Does Abstaining Increase Risk?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention note that past studies have found moderate alcohol consumption can have health benefits, such as reducing the risk for heart disease. One study found moderate drinking could have a protective effect on people living with heart disease. The research found light-to-moderate drinking could reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and death for those already living with heart disease.

The simple reason drinking wine is bad for your health is actually nothing to do with wine, just the alcohol contained within the wine. By making the easy switch to alcohol-free wine, you’re able to escape this, yet at the same time have a glass of wine whenever you want. Drinking a glass of wine (and the alcohol you’ll find in it) will have an effect on both your long and short term memory.

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