GRA constitutes team to investigate alleged border bribery incidents

The Customs Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) has set up a team to investigate some staff and alleged incidents of bribery at the country’s Eastern and Western borders.
This comes in the wake of an investigative documentary detailing the porous nature of those borders.
In a statement issued to the Ghana News Agency on Tuesday, July 30, GRA, the country’s revenue mobilisation body, said the investigation by the Committee was to also find out ways that smugglers evaded the payment of taxes and duties allegedly with the assistance of some Customs officers.
Additionally, the investigative team would assess any security vulnerabilities at the border points highlighted.
“GRA wishes to thank Joy FM for their work and assures the trading community and the general public that the Authority will provide information on the outcomes of the investigation and sanctions meted out,” the statement said.
“We remain committed to our core mandate of mobilising revenue for national development,” the statement added.