The 10 recommendations of the Ejura Committee

A shot from the riots
The government of Ghana has released the Ejura Committee report on the disturbances that took place in Ejura in the Ashanti Region a few months ago while led to the shooting to death of two protesters following the killing of social media activist Kaaka.
Read the 10 recommendations made by the committee:
1. The Committee recommends adequate Compensation for the families of the two deceased persons, namely, Abdul Nasir Yusif and Murtala Suraj Mohammed. Adequate compensation must also be paid to other injured persons, namely; Louis Ayikpa (20 years), Awal Misbau (16 years) and Nasif Nuhu (30 years). These are the names known to the Committee.
2. The Committee recommends the immediate transfer of the District Police Commander of Ejura, DSP Philip Kojo Hammond, first for his incompetence in handing the situation and for the fact that, his relationship with the community seems to have been damaged beyond repair.
3. We further recommend the structural expansion of the Ejura Police Station and an increase in personnel.
4. We recommend the removal of the Ejura-Sekyedumase Municipal Chief Executive, Honourable Mohammed Salisu Bamba, since his continuous presence as MCE would exacerbate the already tense security situation in Ejura.
5. It is further recommended that, the Military Establishment review the actions of the Section on the ground, led by Lieutenant Martin Opoku Adusei, for the inappropriate use of force, and apply appropriate sanctions.
6. We further recommend the training of REGSEC, MUSEC and DISEC officials in the Ashanti Region in Conflict and Crises Management at the Ghana Armed Forces Command and Staff College at least once every year.
7. We recommend the development of a joint Standard Operative Procedure (SOP) for Military / Police operations, including roles for indispensable allied agencies like the National Investigations Bureau, NADMO, Ghana National Fire Service, National Ambulance Service, etc.
8. We further recommend that the NCCE should intensify its Public education in relation to the rights, obligations, and civic responsibilities of the people of Ejura.
9. It is further recommended that, all crowd /riot/crises control units be made to wear bodycams and all vehicles and mobile gadgets employed must also have cameras.
10. We recommend the establishment of Sports and other Recreational Facilities in Ejura under the Zongo Development Fund, so as to re-channel the energies of the youth.