
Estimated 50 people infected with HIV every day in Ghana – Report

The Ghana Aids Commission has expressed concern over the disturbing statistics as its 2023 National HIV Report revealed that an estimated 50 people are infected everyday in Ghana.

Additionally more than 218,000 persons infected do not know their status.

Currently, there are more than 152,000 people on anti-retroviral therapy(ART medication) and 36,000 of this are male adults and 109,000 female adults, while 5,000 are children.

These numbers run the risk of jeopardizing the Commission and its partners aim to achieve an epidemic free country by 2023.

But more worrying is the projection in Accra, pointing to persons within the ages of 15 and 49 who are economically active representing the bulk number of infections.

The National Adult HIV prevalence for 2023 is estimated at 1.53%, with the number of people living with HIV estimated at 334,095 which is made up of 316,545 that is 94.7% adults and 17,550, that’s 5.3% children.

The HIV Adults with ages between 15 to 49 incident rate in 2023 is estimated at 0.09% with 17,774 estimated new infections, that’s 90.4% adults and 9.6% children and 12,480 AIDS deaths.

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