Young man arrested trying to sneak into a plane bound for London from Kotoka

A young man is currently in the grips of the police after he was arrested trying to enter a London-bound flight from the Kotoka International Airport.
The majority of the Ghanaian youth are eager to leave the country and are ready to do anything within their means to leave whether through legal or illegal ways.
According to the source, the young man was seen crawling on the airport’s tarmac, prompting the officials of Aviance, a terminal management company under the Ghana Airport Company, to cause his arrest.
It continued that the authorities were wondering how he managed to access the airport and the tarmac.
They believed that the young man who is currently in police custody used the Burma Camp road and made his way through the bushes to find his way on the tarmac.
Authorities have disclosed that the young man was trying to board a plane belonging to British Airways which was scheduled to depart from Kotoka International Airport Terminal 3 to Heathrow in the United Kingdom.