
Akufo-Addo meeting with Organised labour over planned demo against galamsey needless – Group Convener

Brandson Adatsi, Convener for the “FreeTheCitizens” group that demonstrated over the weekend demanding the release of the protesters who were arrested following their anti-galamsey demonstration has described President Akufo-Addo’s meeting with Organised Labour over their planned strike over galamsey as needless.

Organised labour is still set to embark on a strike on Thursday, October 10.

This industrial action aligns with its demand for the government to crack down on illegal mining by banning all forms of mining in forest reserves, among other measures.

This follows a crucial meeting today to deliberate on the President’s request for more time to address their demands regarding the issue.

“We are of the view that what the government has proposed does not adequately address our demands and therefore our notice of strike remains unchanged,” the leadership said.

On October 3, President Akufo-Addo made an appeal to Organised Labour during a meeting asking them to reconsider the strike.

The president reassured the labour leaders of his administration’s commitment to tackling the environmental destruction caused by illegal mining, also known as galamsey.

He expressed the need for unity in addressing this pressing national issue.

But at the meeting today, members of organised labour resolved that government’s assurance was not enough.

On the back of this, “our strike notice remains unchanged.” The demands of organised labour’s demands included declaring a state of emergency, revoking L.I. 2462, and deploying the military to forest areas and water bodies to combat illegal mining.

But in an interview on New-York based Adinkra FM, commenting on the President’s meeting with Organised Labour, Brandson Adatsi, said the meeting was unnecessary as what is most important now is for government through President Aku-Addo to ban the galamsey menace.

“The meeting the President had with organized labour was unnecessary. There was no need for any conversation between the government and organized labour. Their demand is simple, ban galamsey otherwise they embark on strike. Why can’t the government just ban galamsey. It is not organise labour that should advise government on what to do. At the moment all the citizenry wants is a total ban on galamsey. All we need now is action, no need for any committee sittings. I told my people that of they call us for any stakeholder meeting, we will not go.” Brandson Adatsi told show host, Daakyehene Ofosu Agyemang.”


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